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How to merge two ldap servers with Penrose ldap virtual server
Published Tuesday, 8th of February 2011
Overview Steps to merge and consolidate info from two different ldap servers in one tree using Penrose ldap virtual server. Alias table
${LDAP_SERVER}localhostHost where main ldap server is running
${LDAP_SERVER_PORT}10389Port where main ldap server is running
${LDAP_1_HOST}ldap1Host where ldap server is running
${LDAP_1_PORT}10389Port where ldap server is running

User manager
${LDAP_1_PWD}secretPassword for the ldap server
${LDAP_2_HOST}ldap2Host where ldap server is running
${LDAP_2_PORT}10389Port where ldap server is running

User manager
${LDAP_2_PWD}secretPassword for the ldap server
Steps to follow Penrose Server Installation
  1. Download and install the LDAP server supporting virtual directory server in ${LDAP_SERVER} from the next url:

  2. Run /opt/vd-server-2.0/bin/ after you installed the server.

  3. Run the server in the port ${LDAP_SERVER_PORT}

Create connections
  1. Modify the file ${LDAP_SERVER}/conf/connections.xml to add the connections.
    <connection name="ldap_conn1">
    <connection name="ldap_conn2">
Create sources
  1. Modify the file ${LDAP_SERVER}/conf/sources.xml to add the sources from ldap servers.
    <source name="ldap_src1">
            <field name="uid" primaryKey="true"/>
            <field name="cn"/>
            <field name="sn"/>
            <field name="userPassword"/>
    <source name="ldap_src2">
            <field name="uid" primaryKey="true"/>
            <field name="cn"/>
            <field name="sn"/>
            <field name="userPassword"/>
  2. Add also a source combining the both sources defining in the step behind.
    <source name="mergedSource">
Create directory entry
  1. Modify the file ${LDAP_SERVER}/conf/directory.xml to add the dinamic entry.
    <entry dn="uid=...,ou=Users,dc=ldap-merged,dc=ochounos,dc=com">
            <at name="uid" rdn="true">
            <at name="sn">
            <at name="cn">
            <at name="userPassword">
        <source alias="src">
  2. Add the fields that you need and consolidate fields from different ldap servers to ensure that the merged tree have the correct fields.
Optional sources
  1. You can use as many ldap sources as you want, also a source can come from a database (mysql, oracle, informix, ...) or any combination between them.

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